Fun Ways To Support Local on Social Media
We acknowledge not everyone has resources to support local businesses financially or through a purchase at this time. There are other ways you can help and engage that won't cost you a dollar!
A few ideas:
- Share, like, comment on their post. It helps with algorithms and how often people see their posts.
- Let other friends know about opportunities to support businesses in your area. Think: takeout ideas, places to get gifts, and places that might not have a social media following but still need support.
- Leave a positive review on Google, Yelp, or Facebook.
- Fill out and share one of these social media story templates.
We've created a roundup of Story Templates you can share on social media to tag local businesses and invite friends to join you. To use them, right click and save or hold down and add to your photos. Then upload in Instagram Stories and tag businesses or use GIFs to share what you're doing. Some are specific to our community in Tucson, but we'd be glad to update this and share more! Please send others our way, and we will update this post as we are able.
by Haley Haynes
by Visit Tucson
ARE WE MISSING SOME? Send more. :)
Kristin, I love your article! I agree with what you said that it’s important to support local businesses, and I like your idea about filling our the story templates you posted and tagging my favorite local businesses. Personally, I think this is important now than ever because the pandemic has crippled a lot of local entrepreneurs. My boyfriend has been craving for cheeseburgers lately, so I’ll look for a local restaurant in the area and order a cheeseburger take out meal, and upload it to my Instagram so my friends would be inclined to order too. Thanks!