60 Hikes: Phoenix 3rd Edition
It’s Time to Take a Hike in Beautiful Arizona! The best way to experience Phoenix is by hiking it! Get outdoors with Arizona writer and hiking expert Charles Liu as he helps you find and enjoy the top hikes within 60 miles of the city. These selected trails transport you to scenic overlooks, wildlife hot spots, ancient ruins, and petroglyphs that renew your spirit and recharge your body.
Explore some of the country’s finest city-owned wilderness preserves: Phoenix Sonoran Preserve, South Mountain Park/Preserve, and Scottsdale’s McDowell Sonoran Preserve. Hike at 7,000 feet at Brown’s Peak, Mount Ord, and Mount Peeley. See Arizona’s only Wild River Area at the Mazatzal Wilderness in Tonto National Forest. With Charles Liu as your guide, you’ll learn about the area and experience nature through 60 of Phoenix’s best hikes! (paperback, 336 pages)